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Last year, we partnered with our friends at OHO Media on this short documentary. It's been getting a lot of attention lately, so we thought it would be a good time to revisit it.

Transmormon was featured on, earned a Vimeo Staff Pick, was recognized as 2014 Best Utah Short Film of the Year at the Utah Arts Festival, and has reached over 830,000 views. We hope you'll share the link too.

Eri Hayward was born and raised in Utah County, comes from a conservative Mormon background, was raised in the LDS Church and even went to Mormon private school - but something wasn't adding up. Eri was assigned male at birth and it was a slow, painful journey for her to recognize she is transgender. This piece was filmed with Eri and her close-knit, supportive family just before she flew to Thailand for sexual reassignment surgery.

// In December, RadioWest focused on issues related to transgender youth, and Eri and her father Ed were among our guests.

// Winner of an Artistic Vision Award at the 2014, Big Sky Documentary Film Festival

// Selected as a Vimeo Staff Pick

// Winner of the 2014 Utah Short Film of the Year Award

// Transmormon was featured on Upworthy, and has been watched by over 800K people.

OHO Media is Torben Bernhard, Marissa Lila and Travis Low.

Listen to our conversation on RadioWest:

Raising a Transgender Kid

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